Thursday, February 14, 2013

Show your heart some love

February is Heart Health Month so show your heart some love.
Keeping your heart healthy starts with a healthy lifestyle.
People often don't realize that their diet and lifestyle contribute to their risk for developing heart disease.

Some risk factors that can be changed, such as lifestyle choices.
There are a number of lifestyle and diet changes that can help you reduce your risk for developing heart disease.
The main factors that contribute to heart disease are physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and excessive alcohol intake.
You want to make changes in your life if you have one or more of these factors.
Having a healthy diet is essential to having a healthy heart because a balanced and nutritious diet reduces the risk heart disease.
What positive lifestyle changes have you made to improve your overall health and wellness?
What helps you live a healthy lifestyle?
I encourage you to begin a conversation with your doctor about your risk factors and ways to take action early on.
You should know and understand your numbers like cholesterol or blood sugar to be aware of and manage your risk for heart disease.


  1. I am trying to lose wieght.

    1. You should address all you risk factors.

  2. Being aware of an unhealthy lifestyle is the first step towards a healthy heart. We need to realize how our love for junk foods and disinterest in physical activities increases our risk of heart diseases. Add to it stress at workplaces. And we have the perfect formula for an unhealthy heart.

  3. It is essential that we go for yearly heart checkup as we turn 35. This will help us to be aware of the cholesterol and lipid profiles and take appropriate measure to control them. Our doctors can suggest ways to improve the health of our heart and lead a healthy life for years.

  4. It is very good to do a checkup. So you can find out heart disease problems.

  5. I read many times that the heart disease is potentially avoidable and preventable.
