Friday, April 12, 2013

Why only 5% of dieters achieve success

Over the course of the past two years, I've learned a lot about myself and the strategies that are important for me to use to maintain my new weight.
Maintenance is not a destination. To me it's a continuation of a process of refinement of the habits that I developed to lose weight. Once I reached my goal weight, I was determined to make this a lifestyle and not to return to my old ways. I knew that to keep the weight off my new behaviors needed to continue.

Long-term maintenance of behaviors is something we can all achieve when we focus the reasons that forced us to lose weight. For me focusing on my health was the catalyst that changed my whole perspective and allowed me to take a different look at my life.
I better understand now that my experiences both good and painful are here to help me grow and evolve. I continue to take personal responsibility for the decisions I make throughout my day.  Sure they’re not always the best but I've learned that it's okay not to be perfect.

Tracking was a very important weight loss tool for me and one that I've continued in maintenance. I continue to weigh myself daily.
Why is it that only 5% of dieters are able to lose weight and keep it off? Who knows the exact number, but it's a very small percentage. I’m sure, there are many more that lose weight initially, but keeping it off is a whole other story.


  1. Maintenance could be more difficult than weight loss.

  2. Once you've achieved your weight loss goal, it's important not to undo all the good work by reverting to old habits. If you follow the right plan for losing weight, you'll maintain your weight loss more easily.

  3. Why only 5 per cent? Because they continue to follow the plan that worked for them after they reached their goal.

  4. Replies
    1. I know... that's kind of a depressing number. Let's beat the statistics, people.

  5. I think most peoples did not doing their dieting very well.

  6. To stay successful, you'll need strategies to maintain the changed behavior and resist the unhealthy behavior.
