Sunday, November 16, 2014

Be just a little bit better tomorrow

You can always learn more about weight loss or nutrition, and even yourself that can help you be just a little bit better tomorrow. 

A healthy lifestyle is a process. Think of it as an exciting adventure of self-discovery that will help you build a more meaningful life. 

The most important action one can take when trying to lose weight is to change what you eat and how you eat.


  1. I will do better tomorrow maybe? What kind of motivation is it?

  2. The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

  3. If we hope for a better tomorrow we must be able to look past where we were yesterday. Your past may have helped make you who you are today, but it definitely can't stop you from becoming who you want to become! Believe that things will change and do your part to make it happen!

  4. That picture is really cute. And this post is very inspirational. I think I will try to be better tomorrow. Maybe I'll start meditating as I've been planning for weeks now. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. "I'll do better tomorrow, maybe" - words that I should not live my life by but kind of do. It's not a very good thing, but I am the worlds best procrastinator. It's probably the thing that I'm most good at, and that's saying something. On a side note, the picture is totally cute despite the fact that I shouldn't be appreciating it so much because of what it says about my life/personality. Very true though. You can always learn a little more that you can apply tomorrow, and it works for everything, not just weight loss.

  6. That's my excuse for eating bad sometimes. Oh, I'll eat better tomorrow, maybe. But seriously, it's all about wanting to change and live a healthier life. This is all about those who say they're going to follow through, but don't end up doing so. I am that way, but I'm trying to better myself.

  7. LOL. Nice one!
