Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving only comes once a year and so does Christmas

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We all love holidays. A gathering of close friends and family is one of the happiest times of year for all of us. Celebrations like Thanksgiving can easily distract us from our healthy diets. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sea of delicious, but not so healthy dishes at your Thanksgiving table.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are always challenging for me. I know that if I stare down foods and try to make the best choices, Thanksgiving will be a very stressful holiday. I am realistic. I know that even if I tried I would give in to temptations. I also accepted that it’s unrealistic to expect that Thanksgiving dinner will include healthy food. My solution? I simply take a break from my healthy eating habits for a day.

I justify my behavior by thinking that one day doesn't make that much of a difference. I just hope that I will be strong enough not to indulge all the days after. I have to be careful here, because Thanksgiving only comes once a year - but so does Christmas


  1. I try to eat a bit more than normal on the days leading up to Thanksgiving so I'm not as hungry. I guess I'm lucky enough to get sick if I eat too much, so I know if I overeat, and I hate feeling sick so I try not to (Did that make any sense?). I'm not as concerned as eating healthy as I am eating a ton of super unhealthy food.

  2. So true. The Thanksgiving feast can be an invitation to overeat. That is what happened to me last month.

  3. I think that days after Thanksgiving and before Christmas will be a great time to recommit to a healthier lifestyle.

  4. With Christmas behind us, what is left can be excess weight from all that celebrating and good cheer. This is probably the most difficult time of the year in the obesity struggle. We go off to parties, BBQ'S, Lunches, Brunches......and let's face it we can't possibly resist all that temptation and why should we???- We are human like everyone else and enjoy these sorts of foods just like everyone else. After all the will power fuel tank even for the most determined of us eventually can run quite low. I guess what it comes down to, is getting back on track as soon as possible with a no excuse policy such as 'I'll start tomorrow or next week'. One needs to make those healthy lifestyle choices ASAP. Get back to the healthy eating and exercise ASAP, you will definitely feel better about yourself and slowly come to realize that you can enjoy what others do but feel good about yourself as well.
    We all can put on weight at this time of year, but it's what we do about it and when we do it, that counts most in the end!

  5. You're right that Thanksgiving (don't actually celebrate it in Australia where I am) and Christmas only come once a year. They are times of family and celebration, and as everyone is aware, lots and lots of food. But if you're putting in a lot of effort being careful about what you eat for the whole year, I think it's perfectly fine to just enjoy food without worrying when these holidays role around. The struggle shouldn't be with depriving yourself during these times of years, rather focussing on not letting it rule your life and continuing to maintain your good habits after that time has passed. However, some people do struggle with the weight put on in these times, but I believe it's not as much of an issue that people make it to be. If you don't over indulge and stuff your face every five minutes and just eat reasonably, these few days won't be a problem.

  6. I used to let go on the Holidays when it came to food, but this year I did awesome. I didn't eat a ton on Thanksgiving and I didn't eat a ton on Christmas. I saw a report on NBC news about how people may be eating healthy food during Thanksgiving, but everyone is eating too much and then they gain weight.

    But yeah, not too into eating a ton of food on these days anymore.

  7. Very true. When you have a "bad" diet day, you just have to keep looking forward. Try to look passed that day and just remember that it is really only "bad" if you are eating that way all week.
