Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Losing weight can be achieved without feeling hungry

To be successful at lifelong weight management, you need to make food choices that help you feel full with fewer calories and make sure that you don’t feel hungry. Feeling full and satisfied while eating nutritious foods is a critical part of my eating plan.

Hunger is the most significant problem with weight loss and a diet that results in hunger will never be successful. It is hard not to eat when you get hungry. It goes against human nature. When we get hungry, we tend to want to eat more. The feeling of an empty stomach is very difficult, if not impossible, to tolerate and at some point we give in. My method is not going to work for you if you are hungry or tired all the time.
It is hard to force yourself to eat less. But it's possible to choose what you eat. Some foods keep you full and satisfied, while with others hunger returns soon after eating. Eating large amount of the right food is my key to success.

I consumed a low number of calories but got all the fullness and satisfaction. My simple, if not primitive, web page ilostweightyoucantoo.com shows what food choices I made to control hunger, so I could lose weight, keep it off, and stay healthy.
Eating foods high in nutrients and fiber and low in calories allowed me to become satiated without consuming excess calories. Fresh green vegetables and fresh low-sugar fruits are the best of those foods. They let me feel full with the least amount of calories. Green raw vegetables are low in calories and rich in nutrients and fiber. The more of them I ate, the more weight I lost.


  1. Two years ago I saw the black and white version of this piocture in a book that made me understand a very important aspect of weight loss - eliminating hunger. All methods that don't push any products should start with showing this picture.

    1. I know that facing down hungar is one of the hardest things that you have to do in most typical diets. By following this diet, you'll be able to side step that problem in its entirety. I bet that the success rate of this diet is massively higher than with other more modern diets.

  2. I had a friend of mine that said light snacking helps a ton. Snacks that do not gain body fat, but help keep the stomach comfortable throughout the day.

    1. Snacking around makes a lot of sense too. My only concern is that it might become a very hard habit to break. I know that if you are used to eating a snack at a certain period of time every day, you'll be very inclined to continue even after your calorie limitation has already been met. As long as you keep an eye on this inherent problem, you should be fine.

  3. I remember reading that humans have a natural diet that is made up of predominantly fresh fruits and vegetables. Since read your post and seeing this information presented in such a understandable and digestible form, I'm not at all surprised. I believe that if we were all to follow such a diet would be infinitely more healthy.

  4. If you are regularly eating quality protein and fiber you should be able to avoid hunger pangs.

  5. I work out but I have not yet controlled my food. Thank for giving me hope and inspiration.

  6. I really think its about filling your body with foods that make you feel full, not just foods that satisfy. That's why I try to stick to vegetable and protein-rich foods. I also make sure I eat lots of fibers like with beans or apples.


  7. Permanent weight loss is possible. And to do this you must eat smarter. It means to eat a nutritious, balanced diet that promotes weight loss. The main challenge is this: you must cut calories without going hungry. Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. The health benefits of fruits and vegetables come from numerous vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals working together.

  8. I eat fresh raw vegetables every day and they really help keep me full. I switch it up and try new vegetables so that I don't get too bored with them. Works for me!

  9. This is great advice. To start weight loss I had started taking just a single meal per day. Thanks to you I feel more energetic and can do more exercise. My appeal to all of you there, never skip meals.

  10. It’s amazing how true this blog post is. I just started taking a lot more vegetables and fibres in my diet and I feel full and good about myself. Great thoughts.

  11. Wow, the graphic really helps rivet the understanding in a powerful way. I never thought about satiety that way before, but it makes a lot of sense.

    To me, hunger is a challenge, but so are habits. I noticed that if I eat a candy bar an hour before lunch, then I'm not hungry for lunch, but I eat lunch anyway. So I think the body is really smart and will tell you when you don't need any food, but we override it in favor of following the custom.

    What I really like most about your eating plan is the simplicity of it. You don't have to worry about a lot of stuff. You're not going to eat a candy bar before lunch because you're not going to buy any! And then you can just follow the plan.

    I like the KISS value of this!


  12. My experience is that you should avoid empty calories whenever possible. If you want to feel full, there are many different foods that will do the trick. Your advice to eat highly-nutritious low-calorie foods is essential to healthy weight loss.
