Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Importance of learning from our mistakes

If something is your fault, admit it and learn a valuable lesson. 

Simple? Yes.

Easy? No, because of our ego, an unhealthy belief in our own importance.

The next time you make a mistake, try hard to take the “low ego” path. 

When you make a mistake, try to admit it as soon as you can, and apologize if necessary. Making an effort to apologize for a mistake can show that you respect the people who have been affected by the mistake. 

Apologizing can also show that you regret your mistake, that you are willing to take responsibility for it and that you're using it as an opportunity to improve yourself.

You can also consider telling other people in similar roles the lessons you've learned so that they can learn from your mistake.

Making mistakes can be a valuable learning opportunity. You can find lessons from your mistakes that can help you improve your skills and expand your knowledge. 

Making the same mistakes over and over can be costly in more ways than one.