Sunday, January 20, 2019

There are many ways to avoid success in life

There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination. Procrastination is simply the process of putting off something that seems difficult. The bigger the challenge, the more difficult it seems and the more likely you will be to put it off. 
Everyone uses procrastination at some point in their life. Procrastination is all about putting it off until later. It is a learned habit that we create for ourselves to avoid something we are not willing or ready to do. Procrastination allows you to read the health magazines and continue to be inspired by others’ weight loss success stories. Then you focus your thoughts on all the reasons why today is not a good day to start. 
You need to adopt a new approach; “do it today”. This is easier said than done but writing the reason why you want to lose weight can really help you to focus on achieving it. When you are procrastinating this means your “why” is not important enough. 
Why do humans often procrastinate and in particular, why do overweight individuals put things off and do not try to fix their weight problem “sooner than later”? What do you think?