Sunday, January 20, 2019

There are many ways to avoid success in life

There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination. Procrastination is simply the process of putting off something that seems difficult. The bigger the challenge, the more difficult it seems and the more likely you will be to put it off. 
Everyone uses procrastination at some point in their life. Procrastination is all about putting it off until later. It is a learned habit that we create for ourselves to avoid something we are not willing or ready to do. Procrastination allows you to read the health magazines and continue to be inspired by others’ weight loss success stories. Then you focus your thoughts on all the reasons why today is not a good day to start. 
You need to adopt a new approach; “do it today”. This is easier said than done but writing the reason why you want to lose weight can really help you to focus on achieving it. When you are procrastinating this means your “why” is not important enough. 
Why do humans often procrastinate and in particular, why do overweight individuals put things off and do not try to fix their weight problem “sooner than later”? What do you think?


  1. Your right! Procrastination is the death of success!!!

  2. I think we procrastinate because trying to lose weight is hard thing to do. Dieting is uncomfortable and painful process. It is hard to force yourself to start when you know that it will be unpleasant. Long process, hours spent at the gym, hunger, frustration because of little or no lasting results are some of the reasons why we procrastinate.

    1. Monica, seeing the negative aspects of whichever situation you are in and dwelling on those details is a sure way to make yourself unhappy.

  3. There’s never a bad time to start a good thing.

  4. Here are 15 reasons why people procrastinate:
    -Not knowing what needs to be done
    -Not knowing how to do something
    -Not wanting to do something
    -Not caring if it gets done or not
    -Not caring when something gets done
    -Not feeling in the mood to do it
    -Being in the habit of waiting until the last minute
    -Believing that you work better under pressure
    -Thinking that you can finish it at the last minute
    -Lacking the initiative to get started
    -Blaming sickness or poor health
    -Waiting for the right moment
    -Needing time to think about the task

  5. I think the reason for procrastination is quite simple and once you understand it, it's easier to get over it.
    People in general don't like difficult stuff, and all life-changing stuff: studying, getting a new job or losing weight, are all difficult. If they weren't, we would all be living our dream lifes as slim people with perfect jobs :)
    The key is to make stuff easier. Your goal doesn't need to be losing weight - it might simply be to eat a banana intead of a donut today. Or to hit a gym tomorrow for 30 mins. Our brain seems to accept easy stuff better.

  6. IA think we procrastinate out of fear. What if I lose my wall? that's my biggest reason...weight helps keep people from looking at me.
