Saturday, November 3, 2012

While staying home and sitting through Hurricane Sandy

This storm forever changed our lives. Hurricane Sandy brought horrific reality to New York. I could see with my own eyes the nature’s devastating power. I thought that NYC was immune to dangers like this.

Whether you were affected directly by Hurricane Sandy, or just fitness what is going on in New York, the devastating event has caused many of us to feel way more fragile.
For some New Yorkers live is slowly and gradually returning to normalcy, but for many it is going to take much longer. While times are extremely tough for those who still have no power, heat and water, there are many examples that Hurricane Sandy brought out the best in us.
It appears that at a moment of extreme polarization, Mother Nature brought us together and the we're-all-in-this-together spirit is being felt everywhere.
Strange thing happened to me. While staying home and sitting through Hurricane Sandy I ended up with eating even when I was not really hungry. I am surprised by my response to the storm.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Which one describes you?

When it comes to our future success, there are two ways to look at life.
We can feel powerless. We believe life just happens to us. It’s out of our hands, so we sit back, play the role of the victim and react to everything.
Or, we can feel powerful. We believe our choices make a difference in what happens to us. We chose to act rather than react to people and situations.
Which one describes you?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Losing weight can be achieved without feeling hungry

To be successful at lifelong weight management, you need to make food choices that help you feel full with fewer calories and make sure that you don’t feel hungry. Feeling full and satisfied while eating nutritious foods is a critical part of my eating plan.

Hunger is the most significant problem with weight loss and a diet that results in hunger will never be successful. It is hard not to eat when you get hungry. It goes against human nature. When we get hungry, we tend to want to eat more. The feeling of an empty stomach is very difficult, if not impossible, to tolerate and at some point we give in. My method is not going to work for you if you are hungry or tired all the time.
It is hard to force yourself to eat less. But it's possible to choose what you eat. Some foods keep you full and satisfied, while with others hunger returns soon after eating. Eating large amount of the right food is my key to success.

I consumed a low number of calories but got all the fullness and satisfaction. My simple, if not primitive, web page shows what food choices I made to control hunger, so I could lose weight, keep it off, and stay healthy.
Eating foods high in nutrients and fiber and low in calories allowed me to become satiated without consuming excess calories. Fresh green vegetables and fresh low-sugar fruits are the best of those foods. They let me feel full with the least amount of calories. Green raw vegetables are low in calories and rich in nutrients and fiber. The more of them I ate, the more weight I lost.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Do you eat every night in front of the television?

Do you eat every night in front of the television?

Gaining weight is hard to avoid when we eat in front of the TV. As long as food is readily available, most of us will continue to eat, well past the point of satiation.

We end up eating more because we simply eat to the pace of the program, or we eat until the program is over.
Eating in front of the TV sets us up to prefer unhealthy foods, because we are exposed to more advertising for unhealthy foods, than commercials for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

To be successful

Weight loss is the intentional decision to reduce body weight by change eating.
There are things you can do that influence your weight.
To be successful at lifelong weight management, you need to make food choices that help you feel full with fewer calories.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Exercise isn't enough to lead to weight loss

Exercise isn't enough to lead to weight loss, New staty shows that high-intensity exercise may not, by itself, lead to high-intensity weight loss.

Times article here


Sunday, September 23, 2012

You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight

You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight, and make sure it includes lean protein. Eating lean protein at breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to feel less hungry.

Even if you don’t feel hungry in the morning, eat breakfast anyway. It may be a challenge, but this is something you can do. Breakfast will help you prevent hunger later on. It will reduce your appetite and cravings and help you stick with your eating plan all day long.
I start my day off with good breakfast. For me it means non-starchy vegetable, fresh low-sugar fruit, lean protein, whole grain bread, and healthy fats (I take Omega 3 supplement).

This is my average day, but I generally eat the same things from day to day:

blueberries, blackberries, or apple, 1 slice of dry, 100% whole-grain toasted bread with
1 slice of 99% fat free turkey breast,
1 fresh tomato
hot tea (no milk, no sugar).
As you can see it is not a typical "breakfast foods". The protein consumption, when eaten as part of the daily first meal reduces my appetite throughout the day. I also believe that it jump-starts my metabolism and sets my body in the optimal fat-burning state.

Eating like this was initially a little challenging, but I got used to it. It has become a part of my eating strategy that caused me to lose 91 pounds without feeling hungry. I eat breakfast every day.