Thursday, August 9, 2018

Stress is a normal part of life

Stress is known as a part of normal life and it is sometimes good for you. In small amounts, stress may maintain your energy and also improve your performance.

However, stress can cause negative effects for you. Trying to avoid dealing with stress might seem sensible, but it usually just makes things worse.

There are lots of practical, positive steps we can take to deal with stress. The common stress response is to eat comfort foods, foods that include high sugar, salt or fat foods such as chocolate, potato chips, soft drinks and snack foods.

While eating comfort food, when you are stressed out might actually help, it is not beneficial when you try to lose weight. You will get benefits in terms of stress reduction, but it will not support your weight loss efforts.

You can do plenty of things to de-stress. A good model of stress management is to do something about it and get beyond it. A bad model is to avoid it and let is accumulate.

Make sure most evenings include rituals that actively help you unwind.


  1. Stress doesn’t just make you feel bad, it’s not good for your health. It is harmful to the body, and particularly is a major contributor to the development of chronic diseases.

  2. Good point. Stress is a part of our lives and there’s no getting around it. It is important to learn how to recognize when your stress levels are “out of control” or having an adverse effect.

  3. Cultivate your real-life social network. Online friends are great, but real-life friends are the ones that meet you for coffee, go for a run with you when you need to blow off steam, and call you in the middle of the day because they know you need to talk. Whether you’re the type of person who has few close friends or the type that volunteers and is a member of several organizations, support from other people is priceless.

  4. Stress is something everyone experiences from time to time — it’s a fairly unavoidable aspect of life.
