Sunday, September 23, 2018

Seeing clearly what needs to be done

One of the hardest things to do is to look objectively at yourself and assessing what type of change you need to make. You have to look the facts in the face before you can do anything about them.
If your answer is that you need to lose weight, take a piece of paper and write the answer.

Be brutally honest with yourself. You may hesitate at first. When I recommend this to individuals who talk to me about weight loss, they usually don’t want to write this staff down. They don’t want somebody to see it.

What I tell them if they were concerned to just tear it up and throw it away as soon as they were done. Keeping it isn’t the point. What matters is the act of writing itself, seeing your thoughts and fears if front of you and being honest about them. Only by getting out what is inside can we start to gain perspective. This is how change can take place. Not seeing clearly leads to inaction.

Change doesn’t happen at all if you don’t make the decision to do so. The only way positive change can come into your life is if you make it priority. How do you make it priority? I will write about it in my next post.


  1. There is big difference between seeing clearly what needs to be done and doing what needs to be done.

  2. I love the point about writing things down. Writing and actually seeing things that need to be done is much more effective than just thinking about them. I know people aren't comfortable with writing down some stuff they don't like about themselves, but come one, nobody sees the notes except for them. Writing down my weight loss goals and keeping a weight loss journal made me motivated every day, with clear goals on my mind.
