Sunday, May 23, 2021


Eating smarter and making some powerful changes to my lifestyle resulted in losing 91 pounds in 2010 and 2011. 

The transformation I experienced led to a deep passion to help other people experience the same things that I had. 

So, today, I want to remind you of that. No matter what you have been through, no matter how things might have gone in the past, today can mark a new moment in your history. 

You are powerful beyond measure to affect change in your life, and the power of food is one of the greatest tools to help you. 

I hope that what I share on this blog and my obscure website will empower and inspire you to improve your food choices, not just because of the impact they have on your weight, but because the right foods can help make you the best version of yourself.


  1. You really gave me the motivation to change my habits. It was about losing weight and changing my diet, but also about getting into a more positive mindset.

  2. 91lbs is amazing! we need blogs like this to inspire and motivate!

  3. They say that exercise is only 20% of success when it comes to losing weight - 80% is diet. Even small changes to daily diet can cause big changes to your body, like cutting off sugar intake for example. Personally, that's what helped me the most. I try to choose non-sugar food and even if my body does crave it, I usually choose fruits.

  4. thanks for sharing your story! I really believe that helping others helps our emotional healing...a big part of healing the entire boedy..including weight. Look forward to reading more!

  5. Thank you for sharing your experience about the battle won with excessive pounds. I am also amazed about the transition you made from obese to slim and beyond, where you stepped again into active life style and high endurance and stamina sports. Congrats on being a great raw model for Americans. Good food and sports, how great it sounds, for all ages. Keep up your bolts!.

  6. I think I should have used parenthesis for "raw" (alluding to raw food and role model)

