Sunday, May 30, 2021

Start losing weight immediately

First, answer this question. “Why do I want to lose weight?” or if you are there already, “why do I have to lose weight?” Be brutally honest with yourself and write your answer down.
This is not for the whole world to see it. It is not going to Facebook or on the fridge door. It is for you only. Do not answer generally like “better health.” Be very specific.
You know your WHY and as painful as it may be, write it down now. Looking at you answer will help you realize that losing weight is more important to you than anything else.  That will help you with motivation. Say it a few times to get used to it.  You will be repeating this phrase when it gets difficult.

If you don’t know where to begin, try these uncomplicated tips and you are all but guaranteed to see the results you want. 
  • Stop drinking soda and booze; drink water instead.
  • Stop eating junk food.
  • Avoid hunger. One key to losing weight is eating weight loss supporting foods that keep you full. Eat enough filling protein and fiber.  This will help you avoid hunger
Stop waiting for the right time to start losing weight; it never comes. There is no reason you can't begin your weight loss journey right here, right now.

Start working a developing a healthy eating plan. It will have to be the plan that will work for you. 
Your ultimate goal is to establish new eating habits that can be sustained for a lifetime. Losing weight is a lifestyle change, not something you do until you reach your goal.

There is never a “best moment” to start losing weight. The best time is NOW. If you take the first step tonight, you will have done the hardest thing that you will need to do - overcome inertia.

Don't wait for the "right time". Do it now. Take advantage of the motivation you're feeling now.

If you want to see how I did it, please visit


  1. Veggies have a high percentage of water, so you can feel full from eating them.

  2. What should I eat? I don't like veggies.

  3. sodas contain so much sugar! i lost weight when i stopped drinking them

  4. Your post reminded me of the time my fiance decided to quit drinking coke and sodas on daily basis. He would drink 1-2 big bottles of coke EACH DAY and not move at all - you can imagine how he put on weight. And honestly, nothing helped him to lose weight as much as replacing sodas with water.

    Small habits do wonders for your health - water instead of soda, fruits instead of sweets, etc.

    Eating habits aside, I would also add "move more" to the list :D

  5. Thanks for the great article! I am in a program that forces me to address WHY I over eat and make my own "plan of eating." I am a sugar addict, so I had to cut out sugar and carbs. Some one else might be addicted to chips. I have red green and yellow foods(self explanatory:) I also choose to add in more water etc. Great tips!
