Sunday, March 7, 2021

Welcome Back

I did not post for a long time. 

The first reason was that I regained some weigh and I realized that it would be hypocritical to write about weight loss while gaining weight. 

Then, I got COVID-19 and after recovering, I felt that I deserved to allow myself to eat the “good” food.  

It is not the first time that I moved away from the healthy weight that I worked so hard to achieve eleven years ago. In my previous mini weight gains since then, when the scale showed that I am 10 or 20 pounds above 170, I would go back to stricter compliance with the approach that had led me to the weigh lose before, and it would bring the weight back closer to the 170 pounds point. 

Why would I let myself gain weight? The answer is simple. My arrogance. I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal if I gain a few pounds, because I was a positive example of successful weight loss and I knew how to lose weight if needed. 

Now, however the difference between 170 pounds and my current weight it so big that I am ashamed to write it here. Fear, my strongest motivation for weight loss, is forcing me to take action. My blood test showed that I am very close to diabetes. 

So, the weight loss journey starts again. It actually already started six day ago and I am relieved that it is working. Today, the scale shows that my number is 3.4 pounds lower than what it was on March 2nd. 


  1. Glad that you are back. I thought something worse happened. Looking foreword to see your new posts. Most of what you write about applies to my situation. Good luck.

  2. Glad you've recovered from Covid, that is scary stuff! Excited to see how you progress on your journey

  3. Glad to read that you are okay! Your body needs calories after Covid though so don't beat yourself up. I would say it might even be good that you loosened up with your diet a bit :) To lose weight, you should be in overall good health I think.
