Heart disease is the number one killer in the world, affecting more than six million people each year. heart disease has developed into a lethal epidemic and the problem is set to continue since many people have unhealthy lifestyles. Expert agree that eating properly is one of the best ways to combat this.
Yet heart disease is potentially avoidable and preventable.
If you want to beat heart disease, rethinking your lifestyle can help reduce many of the risk factors of heart disease such high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and being overweight.
If you already have heart disease, it's never too late to reevaluate your lifestyle, and there is overwhelming evidence that changing your eating habits can save your life.
I changed what I eat and it worked for me. For two years I have been eating healthy and I lost weight, lowered my cholesterol, and lowered blood pressure. I lowered blood pressure so much that I was able to discontinue blood pressure medication entirely.
I eat unlimited amount of fresh non-starchy vegetables, lots of fresh low-sugar fruits lean protein (lean turkey breast, skinless chicken breast, fish). whole grain bread, and healthy fats (daily Omega 3 supplement daily). I also take multivitamin supplement once a day. I drink hot tea (no milk, no sugar) three times a day and lots of water.
No single approach, formula, or plan for weight loss can work perfectly for every person. The eating method I describe below worked for me. I have lost weight, and most importantly, have kept it off.
You may want to look at what worked for me and then adopt it to your unique circumstances, lifestyle, likes and dislikes.