Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Make an eating plan for tomorrow

Planning in advance of what and when to eat is an important element of our struggle to lose weight. We are more likely to make good choices if we have a plan of what and when to eat. Our day will go more smoothly and our weight loss efforts will stay on track if we have an eating plan. Take time to plan eating for weight loss success and keep your plan simple so it will be easy to follow through. This does take some time and effort, but it's well worth it, because if we maintain healthy eating long enough it will become our “new normal”.


  1. Good point. I'm trying to eat a well-balanced diet and planning what to eat next day helps me to avoid situations with unhealthy food choices.

  2. Yes. Planning your food choices accordingly - for life.

  3. I've found that a little preparation goes a long way toward making healthy meals easier and more pleasant. If 50 percent of your meal is ready when you get home, you will be far less tempted to swing through a fast-food restaurant. Prepare as much of your meals ahead of time as you can.

  4. You need to set yourself up for success by having your meals pre-planned and ideally pre-made. This will help drastically with your adherence to your healthy eating plan and thus your weight loss. Planning meals and preparing foods in advance is very important aspect of successful weight loss.”

  5. I tried a few options and settled on Pinterest. It's been really fun and is doing the job for me. I didn't really want something to generate a grocery list, but just to catalog recipes. I get most of my pins from posts here!

  6. Is Pinterest mostly for girls?
