Sunday, July 28, 2019

You Will Fall off the Wagon

It is not a question of if - it is a question how quickly can you get back on.

You will fall of the wagon because you are only human, but do you get back next morning, next Monday, or a year from now?

When it happened to me, I used this rationalization: Well, I blew it, I might as well just eat whatever I want.

Unfortunately, with this kind of thinking, small lapses can turn into long relapses.

When this happens, we can undo a lot of positive effects of our weight loss efforts. It is key to get back to your weigh loss supporting behaviors as soon as possible.

Do not wait until tomorrow morning, next Monday, or January 1.


  1. No post for a long time. I sense that something is not going very well. Are you ready to admit that weight loss is not easy?

  2. One slip up or deviation from your plan is not going to totally derail you.

  3. One of the toughest things people face when getting back on the wagon is beating themselves up for falling off in the first place. Then there’s the excuses and rationalizing that occur for not getting back on the wagon sooner.

  4. Everything here seems to be on time to match up with my own experience :D That's one of the most powerful lessons I have learnt recently. You might fall but it's up to you when you stand up - now, in a year, or in ten years, or never.
    Our lives would be much easier if we understood that we are in fact responsible for them and for our current actions.
