Saturday, June 5, 2021


For a long time, I did not practice some of the weigh loss supporting behaviors that I write about and I gained weight. It came to the point that I regained 57 pounds. 

Annual physical test results showed that my sugar reached pre-diabetic level. The doctor said "let's repeat the test, but if it comes the same way I would have to indicate in your records that you are diabetic and treat you accordingly."

Unbelievable!!! I regained more than half of what I lost in 2010/2011. How could I be so stupid to let that happen? 

Well, it did happen. 

My main motivator - fear is working again  so I started to practice more of what I write about and the weight started to decrease. As of today, I lost 27 pounds and have 29 pounds to lose. 

I apologize that I continued to write about healthy behaviors, while I actually did not practice them diligently enough.

"Hypocrisy - behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel" - Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another or the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.


  1. No matter how hard we try, or how smart we become with regards to our personal health, you can only do your best. Sometimes, your best gets you 80% of the way there.

  2. it's natural to backslide a tad. but good for recognizing it and making the adjustments

  3. Hey, you're only human - it's normal to make mistakes. We're not robots.

    I think what defines us are not our mistakes - it's what we do with them. Whether we acknowledge them, learn from them and get back on track, or let them consume us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you are the former! :)

  4. Thanks for your honesty! I am great at lying to myself and therefore others. When I do this the fear takes grip. I have had to been brutally honest with myself and addressed the reasons WHY i eat to much etc...that's the only way to true freedom.

  5. Everyday stressors will always pop up. There will always be holidays, birthdays or parties to attend. And there will always be stressors at work or with family.
