Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Never stop learning

One of the great things about life is that there is always an opportunity to learn more. There are always things you don’t know, that other people know, that may be buried in books or articles or online courses. 

Every day, every interaction we have, every time we read something, we have the chance to gain new knowledge. 

You learn new things, figure out something that doesn’t work for you, and now you want to change that thing.

It’s so easy to fall into the rut of “I know enough” because, hey, sometimes learning can be exhausting.  

Learning can be challenging, particularly if you have a hard time accepting you might be wrong or need to change what you’re doing.

By staying humble and modest you will be more aware of the opportunities to learn, more likely to try new things and more open to hearing other people’s’ views and opinions.


  1. Wow I love this post and I agree with you!

    I think the problem people have with learning is that they associate it with school-like learning - boring time spent on reading boring books written in complicated language. I have had such mindset myself for quite a long time to be honest. What changed my mind is... the internet :) I love learning about new stuff on Youtube, on blogs, or when listening to podcasts. And you don't need to spend much time on that, 10 mins daily is enough to listen to a quality podcast.

  2. Actually, I love learning(although many times I learn the extra hard way:) I'm actually going back to school at the age of 42! Life in it's self is a learning curve and the more we know, the more we ch help ourselves...and others

  3. If you make it a goal to never stop learning, you will remember that the journey is a series of new starts that make you wiser and stronger each time.
