Friday, December 21, 2012

Traditional Holiday Eating

Holidays are the most challenging times when it comes to eating healthy.

It is hard to keep the weight off and your body healthy while still enjoying yourself this holiday season.

Being health-conscious doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t enjoy the holiday season, but

I’m afraid most of us give up our healthy eating habits to “indulge” during the holiday season.

When food is served during holiday family gatherings it is difficult to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy diet and joining in with the fun and festivities.
I don’t expect to lose weight during the holidays. I will try to remember that while it is extremely difficult to lose weight during the holidays, it is hard but manageable to keep and maintain my pre-holiday weight.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Knowledge is the first step to a successful weight loss

Knowledge is the first step to a successful weight loss journey. The more you know, the more likely you are to do the right thing.

Somebody smart said that knowledge is power. By arming yourself with the facts about healthy weight loss, you are more likely to build confidence in your abilities and achieve your weight loss goals.

I agree, but want to add that knowledge by itself is not power. It is the application of knowledge that yields sustained success. Knowledge is very important, but action is the key.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Once you understand your body, it’s simple.

Simply put, you must change your nutrition - permanently.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Food choices that help us feel full with fewer calories

To be successful at lifelong weight management, we need to make food choices that help us feel full with fewer calories and make sure that we don’t feel hungry. Feeling full and satisfied while eating nutritious foods should be a critical part of any successful weight loss eating plan.

Hunger is the most significant problem with weight loss and a diet that results in hunger will never be successful. It is hard not to eat when we get hungry. It goes against human nature. When we get hungry, we tend to want to eat more. The feeling of an empty stomach is very difficult, if not impossible, to tolerate and at some point we give in. You diet is not going to work for you if you are hungry or tired all the time.

It is hard to force yourself to eat less. But it's possible to choose what we eat. Some foods keep us full and satisfied, while with others hunger returns soon after eating.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lost 91 pounds without feeling hungry

In May 2010 my weight was 261 pounds. Since then I learned a lot about physiology, nutrition, health and exercise science, and I believe I know more about losing weight than an average person. When it comes to shedding pounds, it is what and when we eat that counts most. If you change what you eat and how you eat, you will be able to lose weight. I did it and it worked very well for me. I lost 91 pounds without feeling hungry.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

While staying home and sitting through Hurricane Sandy

This storm forever changed our lives. Hurricane Sandy brought horrific reality to New York. I could see with my own eyes the nature’s devastating power. I thought that NYC was immune to dangers like this.

Whether you were affected directly by Hurricane Sandy, or just fitness what is going on in New York, the devastating event has caused many of us to feel way more fragile.
For some New Yorkers live is slowly and gradually returning to normalcy, but for many it is going to take much longer. While times are extremely tough for those who still have no power, heat and water, there are many examples that Hurricane Sandy brought out the best in us.
It appears that at a moment of extreme polarization, Mother Nature brought us together and the we're-all-in-this-together spirit is being felt everywhere.
Strange thing happened to me. While staying home and sitting through Hurricane Sandy I ended up with eating even when I was not really hungry. I am surprised by my response to the storm.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Which one describes you?

When it comes to our future success, there are two ways to look at life.
We can feel powerless. We believe life just happens to us. It’s out of our hands, so we sit back, play the role of the victim and react to everything.
Or, we can feel powerful. We believe our choices make a difference in what happens to us. We chose to act rather than react to people and situations.
Which one describes you?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Losing weight can be achieved without feeling hungry

To be successful at lifelong weight management, you need to make food choices that help you feel full with fewer calories and make sure that you don’t feel hungry. Feeling full and satisfied while eating nutritious foods is a critical part of my eating plan.

Hunger is the most significant problem with weight loss and a diet that results in hunger will never be successful. It is hard not to eat when you get hungry. It goes against human nature. When we get hungry, we tend to want to eat more. The feeling of an empty stomach is very difficult, if not impossible, to tolerate and at some point we give in. My method is not going to work for you if you are hungry or tired all the time.
It is hard to force yourself to eat less. But it's possible to choose what you eat. Some foods keep you full and satisfied, while with others hunger returns soon after eating. Eating large amount of the right food is my key to success.

I consumed a low number of calories but got all the fullness and satisfaction. My simple, if not primitive, web page shows what food choices I made to control hunger, so I could lose weight, keep it off, and stay healthy.
Eating foods high in nutrients and fiber and low in calories allowed me to become satiated without consuming excess calories. Fresh green vegetables and fresh low-sugar fruits are the best of those foods. They let me feel full with the least amount of calories. Green raw vegetables are low in calories and rich in nutrients and fiber. The more of them I ate, the more weight I lost.