Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It is hard not to eat when you get hungry

Hunger is the most significant problem with weight loss and a diet that results in hunger will never be successful. It is hard not to eat when you get hungry. It goes against human nature and you can only stand being hungry for so long.

The feeling of an empty stomach is very difficult, if not impossible, to tolerate and at some point you give in. When you get very hungry, you tend to want to eat more.

Feeling hungry the hardest part of losing weight. If your weight loss strategy involves going hungry, it is unsustainable.
You don’t have to go hungry in order to lose weight.  In order to feel full, you need to fill your stomach.  The key is in knowing which foods to fill it with.
Most people are satisfied by the amount (i.e. volume) of food they eat rather than the calories in said food.
I consume a low number of calories, but get all the fullness and satisfaction. Eating large amount of the right food to fill up my stomach and avoid feeling of hunger is my key to success.


  1. You're right. This is the hardest for me.

  2. Even the most motivated and focused dieter will struggle to be successful at weight loss once hunger takes over.

  3. This is very hard for me. But i have to do it for my health.

  4. It is impossible.

  5. You hit the nail on the head here. When you are hungry... eat. Just eat healthy and do not stuff your face to the point where you feel bloated. Make sure that you are eating healthy foods like a couple of strawberries instead of a few biscuits. It is ok to eat when you need, just watch what you eat!

  6. I've been working with doctors for years. They say often we all eat too fast. Slow down your pacing and have lots of water to drink during the meal. Most of our hunger is actually THIRST. So quench that and fill your stomach. As for food, it takes our brans 20 minutes to realize we're full. Stupid brains making us fat!!!! -Jenny

  7. It almost seems that the healthier I eat, the more hungry I get. Is that a metabolism thing or am I just really hungry all the time? I am thinking about increasing my protein intake, will that help with the hunger?

  8. I try to drink a big glass of water whenever hunger hits to make sure I'm not just thirsty. If that doesn't work I allow myself some fruit or raw veggie sticks.
