Thursday, June 13, 2013

You can lose weight

You can lose weight - but it's up to you to take the simple daily actions that will make losing weight a habit. You, and you alone, are responsible for what you eat. Quit eating unhealthy, fattening foods cold turkey or wean yourself off. Both work and are completely valid.
Choose what works better for you and start your own healthy habits today. Start making these changes now - this very moment. There is never a “best moment” to start losing weight. The best time is now.
Most people will just keep thinking about making changes. Thinking about change and talking about change don't make a difference. You need to get to the execution phrase. Action is what produces change.

Procrastination only leads to more excuses. If you take the first step today, you will have done the hardest thing that you will need to do - overcome inertia. Start losing weight now.

You can do it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do

Food is the component that largely determines whether we are gaining or losing weight. The key to losing weight is focusing on eating of the foods that promote weight loss. Once you know the nutritional differences between processed and whole foods, you have a choice.
Every journey begins with a single step, but you will never finish if you don’t start. Once you make the first step everything else becomes easier; but it is important to make that step otherwise you cannot expect to finish something you did not start.
Make the first step today and start making these changes now. Stop waiting for the right time to start losing weight; it never comes. There is no reason you can't begin your weight loss journey right here, right now. No more excuses! Don't wait for the "right time". Do it now. Take advantage of the motivation you're feeling now and start making these changes now.
I learned that one should not wait to for a best movement to start losing weight. My experience is that there is never a “best moment” to start losing weight. Most people will just keep thinking about making changes. Thinking about change and talking about change doesn't make a difference. You need to get to the execution phrase. Action is what produces change.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Knowing that it’s possible

You must know that losing weight is possible!  Whenever you feel that it isn’t possible remind yourself that must lose weight because you want to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
It’s time to take control and accept responsibility for yourself, because you want to do more with your life than what you are currently doing.

The smartest people are lifelong students. Always learning from those around them, never believing that they know enough. Learn what you can actually do to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Motivate yourself to find your own path. It’s about finding what works for you and choices that make you feel good both physically and emotionally that you can stick with. Keep learning what works for others and adopt what works for you.
Follow these principles and amazing things will happen. You have the power to change your life in many ways that you may not even realize. This is the beginning of the next phase of your life.

While weight loss can be challenging, it is achievable and many people are successful. I lost 91 pounds and you can do it, too.

Friday, May 24, 2013

It is never too late to reevaluate and change your lifestyle

Heart disease is the number one killer in the world, affecting more than six million people each year. heart disease has  developed into a lethal epidemic and the problem is set to continue since many people have unhealthy lifestyles. Expert agree that eating properly is one of the best ways to combat this.

Yet heart disease is potentially avoidable and preventable.

If you want to beat heart disease, rethinking your lifestyle can help reduce many of the risk factors of heart disease such high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and being overweight.

If you already have heart disease, it's never too late to reevaluate your lifestyle, and there is overwhelming evidence that changing your eating habits can save your life.

I changed what I eat and it worked for me. For two years I have been eating healthy and I lost weight, lowered my cholesterol, and lowered blood pressure. I lowered blood pressure so much that I was able to discontinue blood pressure medication entirely.

I eat unlimited amount of fresh non-starchy vegetables, lots of fresh low-sugar fruits lean protein (lean turkey breast, skinless chicken breast, fish). whole grain bread, and healthy fats (daily Omega 3 supplement daily). I also take multivitamin supplement once a day. I drink hot tea (no milk, no sugar) three times a day and lots of water.

No single approach, formula, or plan for weight loss can work perfectly for every person. The eating method I describe below worked for me. I have lost weight, and most importantly, have kept it off.

You may want to look at what worked for me and then adopt it to your unique circumstances, lifestyle, likes and dislikes.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It is hard not to eat when you get hungry

Hunger is the most significant problem with weight loss and a diet that results in hunger will never be successful. It is hard not to eat when you get hungry. It goes against human nature and you can only stand being hungry for so long.

The feeling of an empty stomach is very difficult, if not impossible, to tolerate and at some point you give in. When you get very hungry, you tend to want to eat more.

Feeling hungry the hardest part of losing weight. If your weight loss strategy involves going hungry, it is unsustainable.
You don’t have to go hungry in order to lose weight.  In order to feel full, you need to fill your stomach.  The key is in knowing which foods to fill it with.
Most people are satisfied by the amount (i.e. volume) of food they eat rather than the calories in said food.
I consume a low number of calories, but get all the fullness and satisfaction. Eating large amount of the right food to fill up my stomach and avoid feeling of hunger is my key to success.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My healthy choice last night

Eating healthy while eating out is a big challenge for me. Last night I at the restaurant where people were eating steaks or hamburgers. It was difficult, but I was strong and ordered grilled chicken salad with balsamic dressing. The waiter didn’t even try to hide his reaction, after I requested no cheese and no croutons in the salad, but it didn’t matter to me.
I was trying to be consistent with healthy choices and managed to do so last night, but it is difficult. When you're trying to lose weight, dining out too often can make it difficult to stay on track. Restaurant meals are often full of empty calories that can quickly steer a weight loss plan off course. Here is the picture of my success.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Why only 5% of dieters achieve success

Over the course of the past two years, I've learned a lot about myself and the strategies that are important for me to use to maintain my new weight.
Maintenance is not a destination. To me it's a continuation of a process of refinement of the habits that I developed to lose weight. Once I reached my goal weight, I was determined to make this a lifestyle and not to return to my old ways. I knew that to keep the weight off my new behaviors needed to continue.

Long-term maintenance of behaviors is something we can all achieve when we focus the reasons that forced us to lose weight. For me focusing on my health was the catalyst that changed my whole perspective and allowed me to take a different look at my life.
I better understand now that my experiences both good and painful are here to help me grow and evolve. I continue to take personal responsibility for the decisions I make throughout my day.  Sure they’re not always the best but I've learned that it's okay not to be perfect.

Tracking was a very important weight loss tool for me and one that I've continued in maintenance. I continue to weigh myself daily.
Why is it that only 5% of dieters are able to lose weight and keep it off? Who knows the exact number, but it's a very small percentage. I’m sure, there are many more that lose weight initially, but keeping it off is a whole other story.