I think it is important to have realistic expectations about what exercise can and cannot do for weight loss. Exercise alone as a weight loss method is particularly ineffective without paying attention to food intake. Individuals who think that they can lose weight simply by increasing their exercise program and not controlling their food intake are almost always embarking on a futile journey.
For people who are already overweight, even 60 minutes of physical activity each day may not be enough to halt weight gain.
It takes about an hour on the treadmill for a 170-pound
man to burn off a donut or a medium bagel (without butter or cream cheese). Without
making any dietary changes the same 170-pound man would have to walk additional
10 miles per day In order to lose 2 pounds per week. It would take this man more
than five hours of active playing basketball to lose a pound. This is a lot of
exercise and time.
My view is that exercise is not an effective stand –alone
weight loss solution. We cannot lose weight by exercise alone. I also believe
that the most effective tool for successful weight loss is to change what we
eat. The fact is, nothing causes us to lose weight and to burn fat faster than
the foods we eat and don’t eat. Following a sensible eating plan and sticking
to it matters most.
Hi, what a great info. I have lossing weight, just by walking 3 miles a day (every day) but aslo with the correct meals.
I have to agree. I think exercise should be demoted from one of the pillars of dieting. Exercise is good for alot of reasons but not weight loss. You must remember that if you just sat on your couch you would burn off 40 or so calories in an hour. So if you go to the gym and burn off 170 cals, you really only burned 130 calories.
ReplyDeleteIt is my suspicion that the many benefits of exercise have more to do with increasing blood circulation and getting your body temp up during exercise / sweating out toxins.
Changing your diet is THE most important to losing weight off and keeping it off.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with you on this. The weight loss program that consists of only dieting is incomplete. You have to keep in mind that a total weight loss program combines both diet and physical exercise. As most doctors will advise you, eating less and exercising more will help you trim down your body size.
ReplyDeleteI work out and I'm happy.
ReplyDeleteIt is a balance between diet and exercise... that's the recipe for a healthy lifestyle. Try something small, like walking around the block at night or during the day. Maybe you can make it a lunchtime routine with your work buddies.
ReplyDeleteExercise really is crucial to lose weight in my opinion. You have to burn the fats off and that is the main way to go about it. It is pointless just doing one or the other to be truthful.
ReplyDeletePromoting exercise is a good idea, but if you want to tackle the obesity epidemic it is not the solution. Weight loss is not a key benefit from exercise. You cannot exercise your way out of the obesity. To make an impact, severely overweight people would have to exercise for several hours a day. It is important to realize to promote weight loss in overweight and obese people, the most effective way is through healthy eating and diets. However, exercise protects against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and high blood pressure.
ReplyDeleteExercise alone may not be enough but I think it helps promote a healthy lifestyle, and that's really the most important thing. Making time for moderate exercise is something we should all strive for.
ReplyDeleteHey great blog and I totally believe how important exercise for weight loss is. I don’t agree it’s a good idea to diet and starve yourself. Exercise and stay fit.
ReplyDeleteThank God for this post. My daughter starves herself and refuses to practice any form of exercise. I will make her read this and I hope she pays attention. I am really worried about her and I am sure there are a number of more teenage girls doing the same. Please continue with such posts.